响应式 ui 模板_带有即用型模板的响应式图像指南
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响应式 ui 模板

by Maciej Nowakowski

通过Maciej Nowakowski

带有即用型模板的响应式图像指南 (A Guide to Responsive Images with Ready-to-Use Templates)

Why generate 12 versions of the same image when just 2 media-queries do the job? The users won’t notice.

为什么只有两个媒体查询才能完成同一图像的12个版本? 用户不会注意到。

But Google will.


Responsive images that are in the wrong format, images that are not compressed properly, and images that are too big will all decrease the page speed and impact your SEO.


According to , anything above 2 seconds of download time will put off your users and discourage the crawlers from indexing your website.


I learned that the hard way when I was rebuilding my . My goal was to create a simple website that downloads in the blink of an eye. To do so, I went for — it’s fast and I know it.

当我重建时,我了解到了这一困难的方法。 我的目标是创建一个简单的网站,眨眼间即可下载。 为此,我选择了速度很快,我知道。

After a few days of coding, the website was up and running. But, to my disappointment, it scored a modest 78/100 on mobile and a disastrous 57/100 on the desktop on . Not good at all.

经过几天的编码,网站开始运行。 但是,令我失望的是,在上,它在移动设备上的得分仅为78/100,在台式机上的得分仅为57/100。 一点都不好。

PageSpeed Insights suggested an easy fix to the problem. Just download the compressed images the tool has created, and you’ll be fine.

PageSpeed Insights建议对该问题进行简单修复。 只需下载该工具创建的压缩图像,就可以了。

That sparked my curiosity. And the more I thought about sizes, formats, and compression levels, the more I felt overwhelmed with the abundance of choices. PNGs, JPGs, SVGs, inline base64 encoded strings… or maybe WebPs?

那激发了我的好奇心。 而且,我对尺寸,格式和压缩级别的思考越多,我对众多选择的选择就越感到不知所措。 PNG,JPG,SVG,内嵌base64编码的字符串……或者WebP?

To wrap my head around it, I dived into the world of pixels, waded through the muddy waters of random tips on the subject, and came up with a systematic approach.


And once I applied what I learned, my PageSpeed rating increased from 78 to 91 on mobile and from 57 to 99 on desktop!


In this post, I will show you how to quickly generate responsive images that work in all browsers and massively reduce your download speeds.


在你开始前 (Before you start)

If you want to optimize an image, you have to start with a high-quality image that has the right format and the right size:


  • Use JPGs for photos and PNGs for graphics or other images that require transparency

  • Use smaller PNG-8 instead of PNG-24 for graphics with a limited number of colors. To decrease the size even further, you can also reduce the number of colors, from 256 to 16

    对于颜色数量有限的图形,请使用较小的PNG-8而不是PNG-24。 要进一步减小尺寸,您还可以将颜色数量从256减少到16
  • Use SVGs (vector graphic images) for icons and logos. They will scale nicely without increasing the size of your file

    将SVG(矢量图形图像)用于图标和徽标。 它们将很好地扩展,而不会增加文件的大小
  • Use inline images below 10KB as 64base encoded strings (sparingly)

  • The actual width of an image shouldn’t exceed the width of the largest container it will be displayed in, multiplied by two (for retina displays)


硬件和软件像素 (Hardware and software pixels)

The image that takes the full width of the 15” Macbook Pro screen is 1440 pixels wide but the of the retina display is double that, at 2880x1800. Why? Because of its pixel density factor of 2.

整个15英寸Macbook Pro屏幕的图像宽度为1440像素,但视网膜显示屏的是2880x1800的两倍。 为什么? 由于其像素密度因子为2。

Old monitors have a pixel density of 1. But since screen resolutions have increased in recent years, the hardware pixel is no longer equal to the software or CSS pixel.


The relationship between hardware and CSS pixels is described by the following formula:


CSS Pixels = Hardware Pixels / Pixel density


Therefore, hardware resolution of 2880 pixels translates to1440 CSS pixels on the retina display. This also explains why, when you inspect the full-width image in Developer Tools, you will see it as only 1440 pixels wide instead of the original 2880 pixels.

因此,2880像素的硬件分辨率在视网膜显示器上转换为1440 CSS像素。 这也解释了为什么在开发人员工具中检查全角图像时,您会看到它只有1440像素宽而不是原始的2880像素宽。

The retina display was a major breakthrough a few years ago. Today, mobile devices have even “denser” displays of 3 and even 4 for Samsung Galaxy S8+!

视网膜显示是几年前的一项重大突破。 如今,移动设备甚至为三星Galaxy S8 +配备了3甚至4个“密度”显示器!

For the purpose of my experiment, I decided that to be razor-sharp, the full-width image should have the maximum width of 2880 pixels.


With the image height set to 600px and the quality to 75%, Photoshop produced a massive 939KB file. That’s hardly acceptable.

图像高度设置为600px,质量设置为75%,Photoshop生成了一个庞大的939KB文件。 那是很难接受的。

After a few experiments with compression levels, it became clear that compressing JPGs below 60% quality resulted in a visible loss of quality. I set the quality to 60% as a starting point and the image size dropped to 681KB. Still, far from decent.

在进行了一些压缩级别的实验后,很明显压缩JPG的质量低于60%会导致可见的质量损失。 我将画质设为60%作为起点,并将图像大小降至681KB。 尽管如此,还远远不够体面。

WebP格式 (WebP format)

“WebP is a modern image format that provides superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web,” according to .

表示:“ WebP是一种现代图像格式,可为网络上的图像提供出色的无损和无损压缩”。

After conversion to the WebP format, my image was not only smaller but alsosharper! WebP shaved another 34% of the compressed JPEG size. “I’m on the right path”, I thought!

转换为WebP格式后,我的图像不仅更小,而且更漂亮! WebP减少了压缩的JPEG大小的34%。 我想:“我走在正确的道路上!”

Unfortunately, the WebP format is supported by Chrome and Opera, just about 60% of all browsers, according to . So I knew I’d have to think of fallback options.

不幸的是,根据介绍,Chrome和Opera支持WebP格式,仅占所有浏览器的60%。 所以我知道我必须考虑后备选项。

At last, the limits were set:


  • 60% compression level

  • WebP format where possible


I also chose to support three breakpoints: 600px and 900px() and 2-pixel densities — 1x and 2x for retina displays. That meant 6 different images instead of just two. Supporting the WebP format doubled the number.

我还选择支持三个断点:600px和900px( )和2像素密度-用于视网膜显示器的1x和2x。 这意味着6张不同的图像,而不是2张。 支持WebP格式的数字增加了一倍。

There are two primary ways to put an image on a website, either by using HTML’s img element or a background-image in CSS.

通过使用HTML的img元素或CSS中的background-image ,有两种主要的方法可以将图像放置在网站上。

HTML中的自适应图像 (Responsive images in HTML)

The basic HTML img element has the src attribute that points to the image URL:

基本HTML img元素具有src属性,该属性指向图像URL:


But you can go a step further and decide which image to serve depending on the screen’s pixel density with the srcset attribute:


Here, I’ve used two different screen densities: 1x and 2x. Depending on the actual display density, the browser will choose the right one. The src attribute points to the fallback option.

在这里,我使用了两种不同的屏幕密度: 1x2x 。 根据实际的显示密度,浏览器将选择正确的显示密度。 src属性指向后备选项。

At the moment, most browsers except IE, Edge, and Opera Mini have the srcset attribute implemented.

目前,除IE,Edge和Opera Mini以外的大多数浏览器都实现了srcset属性。

This solution seems like a step in the right direction. Unfortunately, your browser will always select the same image, with the same pixel density, regardless of the display size. And the same image will end up on both the desktop and the mobile device.

该解决方案似乎是朝正确方向迈出的一步。 不幸的是,无论显示大小如何,您的浏览器将始终选择具有相同像素密度的相同图像。 并且同一图像将最终出现在台式机和移动设备上。

We need more control. And we can have it. Apart from pixel densities, the scrset attribute accepts width units w, an equivalent of CSS pixels.

我们需要更多的控制权。 我们可以拥有它。 除了像素密度之外, scrset属性还接受宽度单位w ,它等于CSS像素。

The width unit enables the browser to choose the right image size for the given display capabilities.


With two breakpoints (600px and 900px), we can go with three different image sizes:


There is a caveat here. When the browser decides which image to fetch, it has no knowledge of our CSS! The CSS file hasn’t been fetched at this point. And it assumes that the image will be displayed at the full width of the window.

这里有一个警告。 当浏览器决定要提取哪个图像时,它不知道我们CSS! 目前尚未提取CSS文件。 并且假定图像将以窗口的整个宽度显示。

If a full-width image is what you want, then fine. But what if you want to place an image in a container that is only 50vw wide? Here comes the sizes attribute into play. Let’s take a look:

如果您想要全角图像,则可以。 但是,如果要将图像放置在仅50vw宽的容器中怎么办? sizes属性发挥作用。 让我们来看看:

By adding the sizes=”50vw” attribute, you are telling the browser that the image will be displayed at 50vw, and based on this information, the browser will decide which image to display.


But what if you want to display your image at 50vw on a big screen and at the full width of 100vw on a mobile device? The sizes attribute accepts also media queries!

但是,如果你想显示你的形象是什么50vw在全宽在大屏幕上和100vw在移动设备上? sizes属性还接受媒体查询!

You can specify that below the mobile breakpoint of 600px you want the browser to display your image at a full-screen width. And for the width higher than the mobile breakpoint you want the browser to display your image at 50vw.

您可以指定希望移动浏览器在600px以下的断点以全屏宽度显示图像。 对于大于移动断点的宽度,您希望浏览器以50vw显示图像。

You can do this by adding the media query:


Remember that in the above line of code you are instructing the browser which image to choose because the browser doesn’t know the corresponding CSS. You still have to add the breakpoints in CSS explicitly.

请记住,在上面的代码行中,您正在指示浏览器选择哪个图像,因为浏览器不知道相应CSS。 您仍然必须在CSS中显式添加断点。

This solution works really well but we are missing pixel densities here! If we stopped here, we would be sending the same image both to the displays with 1x pixel density and to the retina screens. Luckily, there is an easy fix to it.

该解决方案确实非常有效,但是这里缺少像素密度! 如果我们在这里停下来,我们将把相同的图像发送到像素密度为1x的显示器和视网膜屏幕。 幸运的是,有一个简单的解决方法。

图片元素 (Picture element)

Meet the HTML5 picture element. It accepts the source and img elements as its children. We can use the source element to list additional image formats that we want to serve to the browser.

符合HTML5 picture元素。 它接受sourceimg元素作为其子元素。 我们可以使用source元素列出要提供给浏览器的其他图像格式。

But before we fix pixel densities, let’s introduce smaller and sharper images in WebP format.


Let’s add the source element as the first option inside the picture element with your image in the WebP format followed by the img pointing at the regular JPG image. Now, when the browser is not WebP-ready, it will gracefully fall back on to the img element (e.g. Safari).

让我们将source元素添加为picture元素内的第一个选项,并以WebP格式添加图像,然后将img指向常规JPG图像。 现在,当浏览器不支持WebP时,它将优雅地返回到img元素(例如Safari)。


The source element opens up a whole new world of possibilities. It accepts media queries!

source元素打开了一个全新的可能性世界。 它接受媒体查询!

First, in the media attribute, we use the media query and then, in the srcsetattribute, we place the appropriate image. And we can use as many sourceelements as we wish:

首先,在media属性中,我们使用media查询,然后在srcset属性中,放置适当的图像。 我们可以根据需要使用任意多个source元素:


Above, we have prepared three images in the WebP format, depending on the size of the display, and one JPG image as a fallback option.


The last secret of the srcset attribute is that it also accepts pixel densities. We can decide which image we want to serve on which screen and at which pixel density. The trick is to list image files in the scrset followed by a space and the pixel density factor, for example: 1x, 2x, 3x, or even 4x.

srcset属性的最后一个秘密是它也接受像素密度。 我们可以决定要在哪个屏幕上以哪个像素密度投放的图像。 技巧是在scrset列出图像文件,然后列出一个空格和像素密度因子,例如: 1x2x3x或什至4x


Since we sorted out the screen sizes and pixel densities for the WebP format, let’s have a closer look at the fallback option. In the end, some browsers don’t support the WebP format.

由于我们为WebP格式整理了屏幕尺寸和像素密度,因此让我们仔细研究后备选项。 最后,某些浏览器不支持WebP格式。

Here, we have to decide if we want to use the 1 or 2-pixel-dense images. Below, I went for the first option:

在这里,我们必须决定是否要使用1像素或2像素密集图像。 下面,我选择了第一个选项:


We have replaced the img element with the picture element. Where possible, we want to deliver images in the WebP format in three different sizes, depending on the display size, and 2 different pixel densities. If the browser doesn’t support the picture element or the WebP format, it will fall back on to the standard img element with three different sizes of JPGs.

我们已更换img与元素picture元素。 在可能的情况下,我们希望以WebP格式提供三种不同尺寸的图像,具体取决于显示尺寸和2种不同的像素密度。 如果浏览器不支持picture元素或WebP格式,它将使用具有三种不同大小JPG的标准img元素。

Important: Notice that in the img element the srcset attribute should be placed before the src attribute. Otherwise, the browser will download the src image first and then, if it finds a better image in the srcset, it will download this one as well. This way we would end up with two images.

重要:请注意,在img元素中, srcset属性放置在src属性之前。 否则,浏览器将首先下载src映像,然后,如果在srcset找到更好的映像,它将也下载该映像。 这样,我们最终得到两个图像。

We could go one step further and create another 3 source elements for browsers that don’t support the WebP format and deliver JPG files instead.


Although it works great for Firefox, I’ve noticed that Safari will download both files: the JPG listed in the source and the JPG from the img element. Again, we would end up with two images instead of one.

虽然Firefox的伟大工程,我注意到,Safari会下载两个文件:JPG格式中所列source ,并从该JPG img元素。 同样,我们将得到两个图像而不是一个图像。

CSS中的响应式图像 (Responsive images in CSS)

If we don’t know the exact height and width of the container we want to cover with an image, we can use generic elements like div with the background-imageproperty pointing to the image URL:


background-image: url(“/images/image.jpg”);

CSS, similarly to HTML, enables image size optimization.


The image-set in CSS is the equivalent of the srcset in HTML . At the moment, it is implemented in Chrome, Chrome for Android, Safari, iOS Safari, and a few other browsers. You can add to make the image-setwork on other browsers, but given that Chrome and Safari combined are the browsers of choice for 70% of users today, there is a good chance that most browsers will implement the attribute in the near future.

CSS中的image-set等效于HTML中的srcset 。 目前,它已在Chrome,适用于Android的Chrome,Safari,iOS Safari和其他一些浏览器中实现。 您可以添加来使image-set在其他浏览器上正常工作,但是鉴于Chrome和Safari结合在一起是当今70%用户的首选浏览器,因此大多数浏览器很有可能在不久的将来实现该属性。

But worry not, the regular background-image as a fallback option will do the trick.


The structure is very similar to what we’ve just used in a srcset attribute.


To create a full-width image element with a height of 500px, we have to start with the fallback option — the first background-image in the code example below. Then, using the -webkit-image-set, we need to list the WebP images for different pixel densities. And we have to repeat the process for different breakpoints using media queries.

要创建高度为500px的全宽图像元素,我们必须从后备选项开始-以下代码示例中的第一个background-image 。 然后,使用-webkit-image-set ,我们需要列出不同像素密度的WebP图像。 而且,我们必须使用媒体查询针对不同的断点重复该过程。

One important thing to remember is that both Chrome and Safari use the WebKit layout engine but Safari doesn’t support the WebP format. That’s why we have to add the last set of image-set attributes with JPG images (it will be used by Safari even though it doesn’t start with -webkit).

要记住的一件事是,Chrome和Safari都使用WebKit布局引擎,但是Safari不支持WebP格式。 这就是为什么我们必须在JPG图像中添加最后一组image-set属性(即使它不是以-webkit开头,它也将由Safari使用)。

.bg-image {  width: 100vw;  height: 500px;    background-size: cover;  background-position: center;    background-image: url(/images/image-lg_1x.jpg)    background-image: -webkit-image-set(    url(/images/image-lg_1x.webp) 1x,    url(/images/image-lg_2x.webp) 2x  );  background-image: image-set(    url(/images/image-lg_1x.jpg) 1x,    url(/images/image-lg_2x.jpg) 2x  );
@media(max-width: 900px) {    background-image: url(/images/image-md_2x.jpg);    background-image: -webkit-image-set(      url(/images/image-md_1x.webp) 1x,      url(/images/image-md_2x.webp) 2x    );    background-image: image-set(      url(/images/image-md_1x.jpg) 1x,      url(/images/image-md_2x.jpg) 2x    );  }
@media (max-width: 600px) {    background-image: url(/images/image-sm_2x.jpg);    background-image: -webkit-image-set(      url(/images/image-sm_1x.webp) 1x,      url(/images/image-sm_2x.webp) 2x    );    background-image: image-set(      url(/images/image-sm_1x.jpg) 1x,      url(/images/image-sm_2x.jpg) 2x    );  }}

Here, the background image is centered in the div element and covers its whole area. Using the image-set attribute, we are assigning two different images to two different pixel densities.

在此,背景图像位于div元素的中心并覆盖其整个区域。 使用image-set属性,我们将两个不同的图像分配给两个不同的像素密度。

The fallback option with a standard url takes care of the browsers that don’t support the image-set attribute.


It’s very important to place the fallback option before the background-imageswith the image-set attribute. If you place it after the image-setattribute, for example, Safari would download both, the image from image-set and the image from the fallback option if it found an image with a different file name.

将后备选项放置在具有image-set属性的background-images 之前非常重要。 例如,如果将其放在image-set属性之后,则Safari会下载image-set的图像和fallback选项中的图像(如果找到的文件名不同)。

The rest of the code follows the same pattern. Above, I have added media queries for 600px and 900px breakpoints and a set of corresponding images in smaller sizes.

其余代码遵循相同的模式。 上面,我添加了600px和900px断点的媒体查询以及一组较小尺寸的对应图像。

The fallback option always has to use the JPG format to avoid the situation where an image cannot be shown at all, that is when the browser doesn’t support the image-set attribute or the WebP format.


如何内嵌小图片 (How to inline small images)

To improve user experience, we should not only compress and serve the smallest possible images, but we should also decrease the number of requests we send to the server.


The browser has to send a separate request for every single image. When sent to the server, the request has to first wait in a queue, which takes time. The more calls the browser makes, the longer the user has to wait.

浏览器必须为每个图像发送单独的请求。 发送到服务器时,请求必须首先在队列中等待,这需要时间。 浏览器拨打的电话越多,用户等待的时间就越长。

That’s especially true when you have to download many small images. If possible, logos and icons should be saved as vector graphics (SVG). Small images can be embedded either in HTML or in CSS directly as base64 encoded strings.

当您必须下载许多小图像时,尤其如此。 如有可能,徽标和图标应另存为矢量图形(SVG)。 小图像可以作为base64编码的字符串直接嵌入HTML或CSS中。

Instead of passing a regular URL to the src attribute in the img element, we can pass the image as a string:



and in CSS:


.small-image { background-image: url( string);}

In most cases, the generated string will be around 30% bigger than the original image, but you will save time on another round trip to the server.


The most common argument against using base64 encoded images in CSS files is that images are non-blocking resources whereas CSS files are. It means that if you embed too many small images into your CSS, it will increase the size of the CSS file and lengthen the time to the first paint of the website. That, in turn, will make the user wait longer before he or she can see any content.

反对在CSS文件中使用base64编码的图像的最常见论点是,图像是无阻塞资源,而CSS文件是。 这意味着,如果您在CSS中嵌入过多的小图片,则会增加CSS文件的大小,并延长网站首次绘画的时间。 反过来,这将使用户等待更长的时间才能看到任何内容。

is a great article on why you may consider dropping the idea of using encoded strings for images entirely.


The truth lays probably somewhere in the middle, and injecting one or two small files as base64 strings into CSS or HTML shouldn’t do any harm.


At the end of this article, you will learn how to generate them. It can feel strange at first because these strings are thousands of characters long. Your .logo class may look like this, but longer:

在本文的结尾,您将学习如何生成它们。 一开始可能会感到奇怪,因为这些字符串的长度为数千个字符。 您的.logo类可能看起来像这样,但是更长:

.logo { background-image: url( NSUhEUgAABqIAAAFvCAMAAAAWmCq0AAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBBZG9iZS BJbWFnZVJlYWR5ccllPAAAA3hpVFh0WE1MOmNvbS5hZG9iZS54bXAAAAAAA Dw/eHBhY2tldCBiZWdpbj0i77u/IiBpZD0iVzVNME1wQ2VoaUh6cmVTek5U Y3prYzlkIj8+IDx4OnhtcG1ldGEgeG1sbnM6eD0iYWRvYmU6bnM6bWV0…);}

如何生成响应图像 (How to generate responsive images)

Let’s assume that you’ve just saved a perfect image and you’d like to create all the variations so you can use it on your website.


There are many tools that can help. Simple tools include , , and . More advanced tools include for JPEG, PNGs, and GIFs and for PNGs.

有很多工具可以提供帮助。 简单的工具包括 , 和 。 更高级的工具包括为JPEG,PNG格式,以及GIF和为PNG格式。

On my quest to take full control of compression levels, formats, and scaling, I needed a tool that would help me automate the whole process. And I didn’t fancy drag-and-dropping dozens of images.

为了完全控制压缩级别,格式和缩放比例,我需要一个可以帮助我自动完成整个过程的工具。 而且我不喜欢拖放数十张图像。

Both and are free and powerful pieces of software that painlessly pair with , the JavaScript task runner.


Even better, there are Grunt plugins that simplify the task further. Several quick tests showed that GraphicsMagick generates 20% smaller JPG images than ImageMagic at the same compression level. So the choice was clear.

更好的是,有Grunt插件可以进一步简化任务。 多项快速测试表明,在相同压缩级别下,GraphicsMagick生成的Image图像比ImageMagic少20%。 所以选择很明确。

Before we start to cut our way through the jungle of pixels, we have to prepare our tools and sharpen our axe. Download GraphicsMagick from or use to install it.

在我们开始穿越像素丛林之前,我们必须准备工具并锐化斧头。 从下载GraphicsMagick或使用进行安装。

brew install graphicsmagick

Next, install Grunt’s CLI globally:


npm install -g grunt-cli

Create a separate folder responsive-images and init the project:


mkdir responsive-imagescd responsive-imagesnpm init

And finally, install the local version of Grunt:


npm install grunt --save-dev

Create two folders: src/ for original images and dest/ for the responsive images that Grunt and GraphicsMagick will generate:

创建两个文件夹: src/用于原始图像, dest/用于将由Grunt和GraphicsMagick生成的响应图像:

mkdir srcmkdir dest

The original image should be saved at the resolution equal to or greater than the largest image you want to generate in the src/ folder. I saved mine as JPG at 100% quality and 2880 pixels wide. It was around 2.5MB.

原始图像的分辨率应等于或大于您要在src/文件夹中生成的最大图像的分辨率。 我以100%的质量和2880像素的宽度将我的图像另存为JPG。 大约是2.5MB。

First, let’s generate responsive images using the plugin. Install it:

首先,让我们使用插件生成 。 安装它:

npm install grunt-responsive-images --save-dev

Now, in the root directory of the project, create an additional file Gruntfile.js:


touch Gruntfile.js

This is where we have to configure the plugin.


Copy and paste the code to the Gruntfile.js and let me walk you through the code:

将代码复制并粘贴到Gruntfile.js ,让我Gruntfile.js代码:

module.exports = function(grunt) {  grunt.initConfig({    responsive_images: {      dev: {        options: {          engine: “gm”,          sizes: [            { name: “sm”, suffix: “_1x”, quality: 60, width: 600 },            { name: “sm”, suffix: “_2x”, quality: 60, width: 1200 },            { name: “md”, suffix: “_1x”, quality: 60, width: 900 },            { name: “md”, suffix: “_2x”, quality: 60, width: 1800 },            { name: “lg”, suffix: “_1x”, quality: 60, width: 1440 },            { name: “lg”, suffix: “_2x”, quality: 60, width: 2880 }          ]        },        files: [          {            expand: true,            src: [“**/*.{jpg,png}”],            cwd: “src/”,            dest: “dest/”          }        ]      }    }  });
grunt.loadNpmTasks(“grunt-responsive-images”);  grunt.registerTask(“default”, [“responsive_images”]);};

In options, we set GraphicsMagick as our engine of choice: engine: “gm”. You can also test ImageMagick by changing it to engine: “im”.

options ,我们将GraphicsMagick设置为我们选择的engine: “gm” 。 您还可以通过将ImageMagick更改为engine: “im”来对其进行测试。

Next, in the sizes array, we have to specify the parameters of the images we want to produce, such as a name that will be appended to the original name, a suffix that will be added to the name as well, a quality and a width.

接下来,在sizes数组中,我们必须指定要生成的图像的参数,例如将添加到原始名称的name ,还将添加到名称的suffixqualitywidth

The resulting images will have the following naming structure:



For example, using the first sizes object, Grunt will generate from the original my-image.jpg the my-image-sm_1x.jpg image at 60% compression level and 600 pixels wide.


Below the options, we need to list source and destination folders as well as patterns of file names that we want to process.


To enable the dynamic build of file objects, let’s set the expand attribute to true and define:


  • cwd — source folder


  • src — an array of patterns to match. In our case, we want to match any folder (**) inside the source folder and all files with extensions jpg or png

    src —要匹配的模式数组。 在本例中,我们要匹配源文件夹中的任何文件夹( ** )和所有扩展名为jpgpng文件

  • dest — destination folder


The above Grunt task will generate a set of JPG and/or PNG files, depending on the source image file extensions.


We also want to produce a corresponding set of WebP images.


We need another plugin to do the job: grunt-cwebp. Let’s install it:

我们需要另一个插件来完成这项工作: grunt-cwebp 。 让我们安装它:

npm install grunt-cwebp --save-dev

Append the Gruntfile.js with the following configuration:


module.exports = function(grunt) {  grunt.initConfig({    responsive_images: {      …    },    cwebp: {      dynamic: {        options: {          q: 60        },        files: [          {            expand: true,            cwd: “dest/”,            src: [“**/*.{jpg,png}”],            dest: “dest/”          }        ]      }    }  });
grunt.loadNpmTasks(“grunt-responsive-images”);  grunt.loadNpmTasks(“grunt-cwebp”);
grunt.registerTask(“default”, [“responsive_images”, “cwebp”]);};

The grunt-cwebp plugin uses the dest/ folder as the source of images. We want all the newly produced JPGs to have their WebP siblings and we should place them in the same folder.

grunt-cwebp插件使用dest/文件夹作为图像源。 我们希望所有新生成的JPG都具有其WebP兄弟,并将它们放置在同一文件夹中。

Now, we can process the images:



For every image in the src/ folder, Grunt will generate 12 images in all the necessary sizes, pixel densities and in both JPG and WebP format!


如何生成base64字符串 (How to generate base64 strings)

If you want to generate base64 strings for inlining your images, here is how to do.


This time, let’s use the Grunt plugin: grunt-base64.

这次,我们使用Grunt插件: grunt-base64

Create a new project in a separate folder base64-images. Init it with npm and install the local version of Grunt:

在单独的文件夹base64-images创建一个新项目。 使用npm初始化它并安装本地版本的Grunt:

mkdir base64-imagescd base64-imagesnpm initnpm install grunt --save-dev

Install the grunt-base64 plugin:


npm install grunt-base64 --save-dev

In the root directory, create a new images/ folder and the Gruntfile.js:


mkdir imagestouch Gruntfile.js

and copy and paste the code into the Gruntfile.js:


module.exports = function(grunt) {  grunt.initConfig({    base64: {      dev: {        files: {          “images/output.b64”: [“images/*.{jpg,png}”]        }      }    }  });
grunt.loadNpmTasks(“grunt-base64”);  grunt.registerTask(“default”, [“base64”]);};

Place the small original image in the images/ folder and run Grunt:



After the task is finished, copy the whole content from the output.b64 file — that’s the base64 string that you can paste into the url of the background-image or into the src attribute of the img element.


There is also an easier way (on Mac OS X or Linux):

还有一种更简单的方法(在Mac OS X或Linux上):

uuencode -m image-file-name remotename

The remotename is not used and you can place even xyz to get base64 string printed into the standard output — in most cases into the terminal window.You have to use -m option to get the base64 encoding.

无需使用remotename ,甚至可以将xyz放置成将base64字符串打印到标准输出中-在大多数情况下,将其打印到终端窗口中。您必须使用-m选项来获取base64编码。

结论 (Conclusion)

Responsive images might feel overwhelming at first, but with Grunt and image processing engines on your side, you can create a smooth process and automate most of the repetitive tasks. And I promise it’s worth it. You will not only shine in PageSpeed Insights, but you will also slash the time to the first paint of your website.

响应式图像乍一看可能让人不知所措,但是有了Grunt和图像处理引擎,您就可以创建一个平滑的过程并使大多数重复性任务自动化。 我保证这是值得的。 您不仅可以在PageSpeed Insights中大放异彩,还可以节省时间来制作网站的第一版画。

In my case, the original 939KB image shrank by 60% to 380KB (JPG) and by 77% to 218KB in the WebP format.


In the end, my pixel-crusade paid off — the PageSpeed Insight rating for my website turned green.

最后,我的像素之旅获得了回报–我网站的PageSpeed Insight评级变为绿色。

If you liked this article, ? even 50 times — I would really appreciate it and it makes a huge difference to me.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,? 甚至5 0次 -我真的很感激,这对我来说是巨大的改变。

I published recently a free React tutorial for beginners. If you want to learn how to build a web application from scratch it’s a great starting point. You will learn how to build an app to help you find the best movie to watch ? S

我最近为初学者发布了一个免费的React教程。 如果您想学习如何从头开始构建Web应用程序,那么这是一个很好的起点。 您将学习如何构建应用程序以帮助您找到最佳的电影?


响应式 ui 模板


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